Friday, October 17, 2008

My Heart Goes A-Flutter!

I can watch this show OVER AND OVER AGAIN! I LOVE NCIS! I can watch the series all day, everyday and not get tired of it. My favorite character? Sp. Agent Gibbs! Played by Mark Harmon. I can stare at him ALL DAY! I get all tingly everytime. I think Special Agent Gibbs JUST kicks ass! Former Marine sniper, the way he can tell when someone is lying, his whole demeanor is just...WOW! And don't forget the coffee!

My favorite line from the show:

Abby (Hung Out To Dry, Season 1 episode 2): "Semper Fi! You rat, you fry!"

Special Agent Gibbs? You definitely "give love, a bad name"!

And when I'm having a "bad day", I look at you, and my day is fine again.


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